Home Affordability
Choose Program
Gross Income
Total Monthly Debt including auto, personal & student loans, and minimum credit card payments
Monthly Debt
Maximum Principal and Interest Payment
Maximum House Payment
Income Tax Rate 
Equivalent Pre-Tax rent payment factoring tax savings at your income tax rate
Equivalent Pre-Tax Rent Payment
Yearly Property Taxes
Yearly Home Insurance
Condo Dues If Applicable
Input Mortgage insurance or PMI using chart below
Monthly Mortgage Insurance/PMI
Interest Rate
The maximum loan amount you can afford using strict 29/45% lender ratios
Maximum Loan Amount
The maximum house price range
Maximum House Price Range
Down Payment
Base Loan Amount
Mortgage Insurance Chart  
Loan Amount
0 Down USDA 30 Year Fixed
FHA 30 Year Fixed
Conventional 3% Down 30 Yr Fx
NO PMI 5% Down $0
VA $0
Calculator used as tool to calculate approximate house range. You must contact loan officer to determine exact price range.